We would like permission to syndicate your RSS feed content at JEBikes.com in exchange for free promotion and exposure for your site to our users and 48,000+ BMX Fans on Facebook. I have a full email describing the nature and details of my request, however, I could not find any way to contact you on your web site? I would appreciate it if you would please contact me regarding this request at: http://jebikes.com/contact-us/
We would like permission to syndicate your RSS feed content at JEBikes.com in exchange for free promotion and exposure for your site to our users and 48,000+ BMX Fans on Facebook. I have a full email describing the nature and details of my request, however, I could not find any way to contact you on your web site? I would appreciate it if you would please contact me regarding this request at: http://jebikes.com/contact-us/